too often people get hung up on labels, "I don't like them because they
are XXXXX", liberals, republican, conservative, tea-baggers, homos,
homophobes, muslims, islamaphobes, jews, whatever....
I wish
the best for everyone, I wish everyone to be free. No one to be
oppressed, no one under tyranny, no one to be abused. Truly "liberty
and justice for all".
Some liberals have this idea in mind, they think governmental control of everything is the way to ensure equality. The do not understand that with that "equality" comes a total lack of freedom.
Some conservatives, think only of themselves, believing they want
equality under the law. All the while trying to control what other
people do based upon the morals they think everyone should have. Seeing
themselves as the foremost among equals, believing the best way to do
this is with government, the Frank Burns' of the world...
"individuality is ok as long as everyone does the same thing".
don't believe that anyone has the right to anything owned by another,
not their body, not their work, not their mind, and nothing they have
made or bought. Nor should others have the right to tell you what you
can do with what you own.
Thus, I can get along with some
liberals, and some conservatives, because I can see good in both sides,
and I can see the massive problems with both sides (the government).
"The most frightening words in the English language are 'I am from the government, and I am here to help' ".
I believe the world owes me nothing, and I owe it nothing. I do
volunteer work, because I choose to, give because I choose to. I do not
violate others rights, and I will fight to protect my rights and the
rights of others.
I do not ask for, nor want the governments "help" ~czhliw
"If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." Samuel Adams, 1776
Isn't it more important to be concerned with America succeeding? The success of one individual who is an employee of the American People is not near as important as the welfare of our nation and it's people. The American people deserve and have the right via the Constitution to the "pursuit of happiness". That is the right to succeed or fail on their own efforts, without any interference from the Federal Government.
The President, regardless of who is in the office at the time, is at best, a temporary employee and needs to remember who his boss is. US.
Fair Tax
The Rules
Post all you wish but foul comments will be deleted. If you can't get your point across without being disgusting then you are too ignorant to take up my space.
Which brings me to the second rule: don't be stupid.