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Now that the legal mumbo jumbo is outta the way...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Scott Brown to be first...

... to feel the sting of "we warned you".

Tea Party got you in, Tea Party will put you out on your very next election. How does it feel to be one of a few single term senators?

This will send a signal to others who think they can change up after election.

sad though


J Cooper said...

Hat Tip to BUTT Itoldyouso NECKID.

You told us so.

I knew he was a scumsucker,but had no idea he was a bottom feeder,as in the bottom of the pond.

I wonder what he got for his vote? Maybe a new Gubmint Motors truck.

I want my $50 buck back,you scumsucking douchnozzle!!

Hat Tip sfcmac.milede

butt Itolyaso neckid said...

hat tip??? hat tip??? I wanna truck load of beer from all of you...

if you keep score you will see I'm batting at if my lotto numbers hit.....

AUNTIE is in favor of RANDY footinmouf PAUL doin' stuff in the gubmint...he ain't a bad guy buttttt............keep 'em on a short leash and muzzeled...

and the boy chil' of johnny "I'm a loser" mccain is a scumsuckin' politician and you waz warned....who warned ya??? ME!

I'm not one to run around yellin' I tol' ya so, I tol' ya so butttt......I tol' ya so!!!!