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Now that the legal mumbo jumbo is outta the way...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Irrelevancy of Congress and the Supreme Court

The President doesn't like Congress failing to pass his Cap & Trade bill (or something similar) so he just gives the power to the EPA instead.

He doesn't like the supreme court's ruling on campaign finance so says he'll take care of it himself.

Feigns disapproval of Congress insisting on spending cuts before passing a Continuing Resolution but when we look closer to the details, what did he really cut? Nothing!

Debt ceiling has come and gone and yet he's still spending, just getting his cash from the Federal Reserve.

It's been over 60 days since he gained approval from the UN instead of Congress to begin military actions in Libya. According to the War Powers Act, he should be asking Congress for permission and funds to continue. Says he does not need Congressional approval. Or course this has been a move by previous presidents, so what kind of a precedent is Congress continuing here?

When is Boehner and the rest going to stand up, find their balls and say ENOUGH????

Or will they wait till the next election kicks yet another major portion of the establishment politicians out of office?


J Cooper said...

Yeah,I was going to say said it better. Now I just wish you would say it more often. Just kiddin.
Forget Boehner, where is Allen West

shuttin down said...

Wait until he taps into the Strategic Oil Reserve and "solves" our oil crisis, just in time for the 2012 run. $2.00/gal gas, and J.Q. Public won't have a clue as to the implications of doing this, he'll just be happy as hell and will probably show his gratitude at the ballot box.
It's gonna be glorious for the chosen one........

off the reservation said...

Boehner and Obama went playing golf this weekend. We have been sold out by the tyrannical elite.

C3PO said...

We're doomed!

J Cooper said...

shuttin down,I'm checkin the dates,and I've had a couple beers,but I think you just nailed this sucker.What wisdom,I'm gonna start lissen when you talk...

shuttin down said...

I'd be happy to get somebody in the Oval Office this time around who we're all willing to listen to for a change.