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Now that the legal mumbo jumbo is outta the way...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Are you watching Iowa?

I think we can pretty much say that Bachmann is toast.  So will her supporters then turn to Santorum?

Huntsman will probably be gone also, not sure where his supporters would go.

What do you think?

What I find amazing is how the so-called conservative candidates, the media and many posters throughout the internet are pointing fingers at the liberal support coming out for Ron Paul.  So the libs can appreciate the constitutionality of a candidate more than conservatives?

That strikes me as the ultimate case of hypocrisy.

1 comment:

butt porchsittin' neckid said...

there has been nonstop campaignin' by the halfrican in the whyhowz...

the gutless GoneOurPrivates haven't put a candydate that I would bother to vote FOR...there is no one on the dwindling list that deserves my vote...

so come votin' day looks like I'm stayin' on the porch...well I'll be votin' against the boycottking rauuuuul' for some of the local issues...but no vote for presidunce...