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Now that the legal mumbo jumbo is outta the way...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Understanding Muslims

This is an amazing article giving insight into the thought process.


Unknown said...

One can make a good argument that Islam is not a religion worthy of 1st amendment protection. I believe that Islam is a dangerous cult, a pseudo nation-state that has declared war on western values, namely the United States.

Most religions have the goal of gaining converts, but do not advocate the idiom of convert or die. The scripture where Jesus told his disciples to leave the villages where they were not welcomed and shake the dust from their heels comes to mind.

If Islam were a religion of peace, and the terrorists are only a small part of the religion, then why don't you see a more forceful outcry from the muslim world? I believe that their cult does support this concept of convert or die. What we see is just some that advocate it more strongly than others, but all muslims are aimed at that goal. Their Quaran preaches it.

The United States should declare Islam an enemy of the state. Remove any status that comes from being a religion, because its not in a constitutional sense.

Auntie Em said...

Tim I had that exact same thought, if they want to come to America fine, but first they have to denounce that part of their religion and swear to obey our constitution, state and national. We also need to push the ACLU to remember their name is "AMERICAN" Civil Liberties Union. Quit forcing towns and companies to conform to fit them.

Unknown said...

Butt you are exactly correct. The muslims have learned from the likes of Jesse Jackson and have become expert shake down artists.