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Now that the legal mumbo jumbo is outta the way...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Rush Limbaugh, sluts, advertisers and the extreme left

Getting tired of hearing about this old dog?  How many advertisers has Limbaugh lost by now?  Around 32 if you listen to Media Matters.  They don't tell you how many he has picked up to fill those spots but that's ok!

But what is the REAL reason behind the attacks on Rush?

Here's my response to one of the many facebook posts by Media Matters:

That's ok, keep it up, we all know that it's only because it's Rush. Just as the recently uncovered emails of Media Matters have shown, he is a target no matter what he does. And that's ok too. Conservatives are just held to a higher standard! We all know that what the Maher/ Ed Schultz / Olberman crowd say is ok, even though they are just as disgusting, but we know extreme leftists just can't help it! A year from now no will remember this and Rush's advertisers will be back or replaced with companies that care about this country not being pushed over the financial cliff. Enjoy yourselves while you can.

And once again, I am hated by the denizens of MM!!!  Love it.  At least two other posters there have picked up on my stand and are repeating it everywhere.


butt Iain'tbuyin'it neckid said...

a temp pissed in a t-cup???...

well if the condumb fits...

the dumbass wants a free pass on her birth control pills...cuz she's havin' so much sex???...

well she should stop givin' IT away...hell she could afford...

spa treatments
new car
pay off student loans...

but that would make her aprostitute instead of a skank-ho...hard to see the difference from the desert of aridzona...

bluecalx said...

USA Today says that more than 40 companies want to do away with Rush Limbaugh's craptastical radio show. Nice try, ugly lady.

Auntie Em said...

Spin again Bluecalx:

Be sure to note that two of the previously cancelled sponsors have asked to return!!!

You are indeed an ugly person.

Auntie Em said...

This crap coming from a so-called blogger who has only been on since January? LOL

off the reservation said...


I turned on my radio Friday and noticed that Rush was still on the radio. So, all those radio stations are just giving the time away?

off the reservation said...

Passive-Aggressive Warfare

Liberals have been fighting a passive aggressive war in our country for the last 100 years. So, what could I mean by passive aggressive warfare?

As most folks understand warfare today, it spans a spectrum of involvement and confrontation. On one end of the spectrum we see guerrilla warfare, with minimal resources and people shooting others or blowing them up. On the other end, we have heavy tanks on battle fields with whole countries mobilizing massive resources to build large battleships, carriers, fighter air craft, armored vehicles. Lines are clearly drawn with all forces clearly identified. The deadly effect is on a massive scale.

Well folks, this spectrum is not linear but has other dimensions. Passive aggressive warfare involves an insurgency that corrupts the populace and works the government against its own people. Our past 100 years has been compromise. Most of the compromise has been through "feel good" legislation. People that hold their ground to their principles are classified as evil because they will not compromise. A whole culture that is unethical is now codified as being appropriate. Those of us that reject this immoral legal machinery find ourselves in one place, at the end of the government gun.

That is how the liberal fights war. They compromise the government into a position where it is completely and violently confrontational with its own people. And now, the liberal passive aggressive war is upon us. Our government has available lethal force to force us to give up our values and bend us to the liberal will under its tyranny. Writ of habeus corpus is suspended. The executive has the power to smash religion.

If you wish to practice your faith as a Baptist you are labeled by the liberals as a racist. If you wish to be a practicing Catholic the liberals categorize you as enslaving women. Yet, Muslims can use their Sharia laws to assault people in this country practicing their First Amendment Right to free Speech. Now many of you are starting to understand what it was like to grow up Native under the liberal/KKK/Democrat Party jacked boot of oppression.

Go ahead, decide that you are not going to support the federal government's new agenda to take our tax dollars and pay fornicating sluts to lay on their backs. If you are a Christian then this could make you a terrorist. The liberals have their executive in power who will not hesitate to put a drone out there with your name on it. The executive has the liberal media in his back pocket so nobody will ever know what happened to you.

shuttindown said...

Bluecal - you have piqued my curiosity and I find myself wanting to discuss this further with you since you seem to be quite sharp. I mean, quoting stuff you read in USA Today? My oh my. Before we begin though, would you kindly GFY with a dry stick and then come back for some intelligent debate. I'll be waiting - sorta.....

Unknown said...

I came across your website and found it very enjoyable. I just had a couple of questions so if you could e-mail me back that would be great!

exeter989 said...

I don't know why anyone who has been married four times, and has a past history of some questionable and possibly illegal prescription drug use can sit in judgment of anyone.

But if anyone actually reads Ms. Fluke's testimony:

they can understand even more why it was wrong for him to call her the names he did.

I know Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a very horrible name. One I will not repeat. And from what I heard him say, I do not believe he really apologized to her.

So, I condemn Rush Limbaugh for what he says, and Bill Maher, who I used to listen to, I also condemn for what he said, and I have stopped listening to Bill Maher.

Perhaps some Conservatives should stop listening to Rush Limbaugh, until he makes a real apology to Ms. Fluke.

off the reservation said...


Oh, let me guess, you voted for Bush four times. You lead your own grass roots conservative movement in your home town. You would never, NEVER, vote for Obama?!?!?!?

Once again, subterfuge from another liberal BS artist. Why are people who work hard to earn a living paying for this woman sexuality. Call it abortion, birth control, climax enhancement, whatever. Why do we have to pay for something that people choose to engage in for their own personal pleasure???

Auntie Em said...

Ex, Rush has indeed apologized for his name calling. But even after Maher did what he did, there was not a huge media pushed to ruin him, as there currently is with groups like Media Matters.

off the reservation said...

Auntie Em,

I think this is worth addressing:

off the reservation said...

Happy Birthday Auntie Em!

Auntie Em said...

OTR!!! Can't believe you remembered thanks!

butt don'tfo'git neckid said...

some of us keep records...ol'' we spread the're welcome...

off the reservation said...

The Chief runs a tight ship!

off the reservation said...

Now that you have reached your 25th birthday, there is some advice I will bestow upon you.

Never be afraid to try something new.

Amateurs built the Ark.

Professionals built the Titanic.

sbo said...
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