Letter from Ken Hoagland at FairTax:
Dear FairTax supporter,
As the flurry of Tax Day 2009 activity settles a bit, let me take just a moment to say two very important words: Thank you.
Our April 15th efforts this year were a huge success all because of you and what you did to help the FairTax cause. Here’s just a quick summary of your efforts:
"Save the Nation" Tax Day Rallies
Some 5,000 of you packed The Jacksonville (FL) Landing and another 3,000 jammed into the Columbia (SC) Township Auditorium—not to mention another 10,000 who watched the Columbia event live online—to hear Mike Huckabee, Neal Boortz, Herman Cain, Reps. John Linder and Steve King, and many others tell America that we need the FairTax now more than ever (if you missed the Columbia rally, you can watch it here again). FairTaxers were at Tea Parties all over the nation—indeed we delivered a FairTax keynote speech to 4,000 who gathered in Columbia—and our grassroots base held FairTax Post Office events in many cities nationally.
FairTax "Save the Nation" Petition to President Obama
With your help, we delivered more than 100,000 names to the White House for our Tax Day petition! In the process, we added more than 50,000 new members to the FairTax grassroots army, including 7,000 on Tax Day alone!
FairTax Newspaper Ads
We produced and ran numerous full-page newspaper ads in the Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Tulsa World, and Investor's Business Daily (three times in IBD alone, in fact!) powerfully making the FairTax case to a broader audience. All told, these ads reached more than 2.5 million readers with the FairTax message. And if that wasn't enough, thousands more of you downloaded and printed copies of our "We're Throwing Away Trillions When a Better Solution Exists" newspaper ad for distribution at the Tax Day Tea Parties nationwide.
YouTube Video Contest
Many FairTax supporters submitted some outstanding entries. From those we found our winning video by Paul Wizikowski. Paul, an Oklahoma-based FairTax activist, created a piece entitled, "My FairTax Story," which was honest, sincere and powerful. Take a look at Paul's winning entry here.
Grassroots Freedom Ride
With your backing, we teamed up with the state-level Grass Roots Freedom Riders to take the FairTax message on the road (including a fine custom FairTax-painted Harley ride). Look for more collaboration like this in the days to come.
Social Networking
You downloaded and posted thousands of FairTax widgets and other social networking tools to build an even bigger awareness of our FairTax Tax Day efforts. The impact is real. Our Facebook presence, for example, continues to grow including the addition of 1,000 new people in single day last week!
As you can see, we accomplished a lot thanks to you, but let's be clear: We have plenty of work ahead in the days to come. But for now, take stock of what you did and please know that with your help, we moved the dial for the FairTax nationally and our momentum continues to grow.
Keep up the great work and thanks again for your incredible support for Tax Day 2009!
Ken Hoagland
National Communications Director