Up front let me say, I am NOT religious in any way shape or form. Some might call me an atheist. But I have found atheists to be cultish in themselves and they go out of their way to abuse those practicing their 1st Amendment rights. As long as they can believe how they like, I feel I have my rights to believe how I like.
It's being called the "nuclear option" by some. That Obama's campaign
would actually attack Romney's Mormonism in an effort to turn the
evangelical voters against the GOP.
It has already begun in the left wing media with people like
Bill Maher who calls Mormonism a cult. Of course Maher doesn't like any religion.
Washington Post writers
D.T. Bell and Ryan Bell very snidely ask "whether Mormonism is a legitimate religion". As if any religion is any more legitimate than any other. In my view it's all about the membership LOL! If I can get 5 million people to join my cult, it suddenly becomes legitimate.
Would this be a bad move for Democrats? Considering they had to be convinced by a Catholic who they then helped get elected, it would be a hypocritical move, certainly.
And I believe it would backfire. After all, aren't democrats (little d) the most vocal supporters of Muslims? How could they support one religion over another?