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Now that the legal mumbo jumbo is outta the way...

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Since 1979...


J Cooper said...

Time to put the hammer down,they don't understand anything else.

butt beentherediddat neckid said... ain't gonna happen...

there is NO will in the scumsuckin'politicians that keep this crap goin' stop it...

they have power of life an' death an' it makes them feel big...

the only way this crap of world wide policing will end is to...

1. the people of the U.S. revolt, march, hold the elected offal responsible for the failure in other words...

bring back the '60's...

huh???...whaa???...'60's???... took some time to accomplish but the great unwashed, dope smokin', free luv'n hippies an' their frien's caused the skermish in the jungles of southeast asia to end...

2. encourage the youngsters, who think goin' to war will make their gonads grow, not to go...

3. DRIP...

those of us that have heard and felt the bullets an' bombs wiz by kno' how bad it can be...we (U.S.) are not protecting our way of life in the fookin' deserts of the mid-east...we have lost that battle...

bring our kids home...put them to work fixin' OUR can help them by showin' off your lessons lern'd by livin' this damn long...

alla is at the bar...
B O O M!!!...