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Now that the legal mumbo jumbo is outta the way...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

One sentence says it all.


butt idvoteferher neckid said...

wellll...she's just a racerist!!!...

she's correct but still a racerist...

Mitt for Surgeon General 2012! said...

The US is paying at least 7% more per year in healthcare costs than any other economically developed nation, without noticeably better outcomes, the same outcomes pretty much. So that's 7% of GDP wasted per year. Moreover, whatever the marketplace, weak competitors get weeded out all the time, but Ryan is going to complain about it in this case? What do we do, let the grifters continue to steal 7% of our income? Is that what you want? If you get rid of the 7% wasteage, then suddenly those budget deficits go way way down. This is not Medicaid's nor Medicare's fault, it's the fault of a greedy corporate system that is somehow unable to provide an efficient healthcare system yet somehow thinks they deserve to keep that 7% entitlement they've been receiving the past few decades.

Crowleys Finest! said...

Your pretty white boy got trashed last night! He was lyin' so bad that Candy finally had to step in and dis his trash.

Mittens is toast!

of the reservation said...

To: Crowleys Finest @ October 17, 2012 7:09 AM

Is there a riot you need to be at?

Need more targets for my landfill.