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Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Pickens Plan

Here's the plan link, hopefully it will work for everyone:


bobbie said...

OK ~ I've been all over the Pickens site, and I was getting their updates for a while. But I unsubscribed, because they were getting annoying... up to 10 emails a day.
I do like some of the ideas, though; esp. wind power. If only the damn energy companies would get their heads out of their asses, and invest in exploring ALL new technologies!and not just their beloved oils...

Auntie Em said...

I don't think the energy companies will ever do very much of the real research or investment, it will take groups like Pickens, American Solutions and a lot of new upstart groups.

The old establishment is probably too entrenched in their ways to do much new.

Auntie Em said...

Gonna start listing some bullet points of the plan - again want to hear both pros and cons here, these are pretty radical ideas but we have to do something:

$1.2 trillion dollars to construct the "wind facilities" in a corridor from Texas to North Dakota AND that also includes the technology to transmit the power to where it is needed! Hmmm that's not even twice what we just committed to in the bailout plan.

Now, in the past, the biggest objection to wind power was storing the power generated and then moving it to cities and towns. Sounds like they have at least some theories on getting this done.

Auntie Em said...

Sweetwater, TX (home of the Rattlesnake Roundup) is an example of what wind can do for a town. Here is a link to the city DON'T SKIP THE INTRO it's awesome!

after the intro then skip to the bottom and click on Wind Energy.

Auntie Em said...

Hmmmm scratch the wind energy link to Sweetwater, it doesn't work at the moment so I'll find another.

Auntie Em said...

This one is pretty cool, they have data on Sweetwater and several other wind farms in Texas and California with data updated through 2007.

ladynurse4 said...

as you all know I live in Texas and Boone Pickens is a local hero. west texas is full of wind....might as well harnass it for something. HA!
Public transportation is something that has not caught on much here except in the huge cities in the east, but you is easier than trying to find a parking spot in downtown Dallas that's for sure. And you don't walk any further either...sometimes less.

Tara O said...

I'm just reading and learning for once, I don't have an opinion...LOL

Auntie Em said...

LOL Tara! Me too! Gonna see if I can list some cons, want to be fair on this.

bobbie said...

Did you catch him on The Daily Show earlier this week? Good show!