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Now that the legal mumbo jumbo is outta the way...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Beck becoming a Ron Paulite?

Yep I heard it, Thursday night. Glenn Beck was discussing cuts in the military defense budget. We need to quit "policing the world". He said he was becoming more libertarian in his views, not quite a Ron Paul but getting there.

How about that?

He is all for pulling our troops home, cutting all foreign aid and telling the world you are on your own just dont mess with us!

Love it.


JS Fuller said...

The more a person thinks rationally, the more being a Libertarian makes sense.

butt nutty neckid said...

hell I want our kids home too....and I ain't been rational since.....

auntie em....glad to see your awake...that bath robe just doesn't do it for ya......

butt fingerfungled neckid said...


off the reservation said...

I think that we, the US, have been throwing money at other countries and involved in policing them long enough. There are a lot of countries that come crying to our doorstep for "mo' money, mo' money" that turn around and treat us like dirt.

Look at the economy of the European Union. We subsidize a portion of it through our military. And with a few token military requirements on the EU, they still cannot get their collective economy to go anywhere.

So, enough with the dollars going out. Enough with policing up everybody out there. If you mess with us, we wipe your dumbass off the face of the earth. Otherwise, we focus on keeping our borders secure.

butt legally here neckid said...

OTR....been smokin' that stuff again????......

protect our borders???????? who we gonna get to mow the lawn and clean the house????

Wal-mart needs customers, TYSON needs chicken fu.....pluckers, and don't forget all that lettuce that needs to be picked....

oh!! one more thing...ACORN needs ballot box stuffers.....

off the reservation said...

There are a lot of Native Americans on reservations that could teach Mexicans a thing or two about hard work. Besides, was it not Daschle that had his goons go around to the reservations up north to truck them to voting stations to vote for him?

All we need are a few industrious truck owners to round up some of my relatives and we could replace all those Mexicans. We used to joke that it took three Mexicans to out-work one of us. You have been employing the wrong people.

So, close the borders, hire an injun... (yes, my mother would scalp me if she saw me talk like this)

tshirt doctor said...

he don't wanna miss that train before it leaves without him.

Unknown said...

I applaud his position. We need to bring the troops home and make sure the world understands that we have a BIG stick and don't eff with us. We should have THE top notch fighting force in the world with the best weapons, just keep 'em here until we need them.

We have many more problems on our own borders. Arizona is having a world of problems with Mexican drug gangs that have no issue with killing cops. These MS13 and La Raza creeps should be shot on sight.

Tshirt - you are a bit cynical. I don't care how he comes to this viewpoint. The point is that Beck is talking about it. With his audience, it is just that much more exposure. I think / hope people are seeing the light