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Now that the legal mumbo jumbo is outta the way...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Financial Reform could lead to a Global World Order

Oh yes our representatives will say this is for our protection but this is also being drafted and modeled after discussions arising from G20 and other discussions of global governance at least starting with finance.

Joan Veon explains it very well: It is not about protecting you and me it is about changing the national regulatory laws of America to conform to a world governmental system and globalizing the last barrier separating individual nation-states. It is about a major power grab of America’s financial assets.

It is a long article but nicely ties all the loose ends together in what she refers to as the biggest con game of all time.

Plus have you heard of The Joyce Foundation?
I'm changing my name. They have access to massive amounts of money, in the trillions. Liberals with big pockets use it to move money from one group to another.

They are also involved in proposed gun control legislation:

They supplied the initial seed money for the Chicago Carbon Exchange. Guess what their purpose is? To run the Cap & Trade scam. The software for this was developed and sold to them by the former head of Fannie Mae. But I digress...

There is a British outfit (Generations) that bought into CCX, they are now the 5th largest holder. This British outfit has as it's owners..... Al Gore! Gee, shock. Along with three current top executives of Goldman Sachs.

WHAT? Sure, and you think they are going to get raked over the coals tomorrow in Congress? HA!

But I'm not done. The company Goldman Sachs thought this CCX sounded like a great idea, so they bought 10% of the British Generations. Ain't that great?

Oh guess who arranged for the seed money from The Joyce Foundation to CCX????

Barack Obama

And you think it's just the Republicans who are out to protect the corporations?????


Ivan said...

Joyce has seen the light. This is most certainly an attempt at creating a New World Order.

Ivan said...

BTW this is what Alex Jones has been trying to tell us for 14 years on radio. Wonder what else he has been right about...

Auntie Em said...

"Seen the light"!! Now that is arrogance Ivan. For your info, this is not the first article I have written on the subject.

Check those out first. Alex Jones is not the first to talk about New World Order. Long before he was born there was the John Birch Society. They were warning people about the Triumvirate and the Tri-Lateral Commission when I was in high school. Ever read the Blue Book?

No, Alex is just re-spinning old material.

butt couchpotato neckid said...

we have to get IVAN a new remote for his TV...

why????? so he can change the channel!!!!! he is stuck watching Jones...

IVAN...switch to the cartoon deserve a break today....