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Now that the legal mumbo jumbo is outta the way...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Who needs Congress? Once again, proving their irrelevance.

Obama is proving he does not acknowledge the concept of equal but separate branches of government.  Congress should just cave to his every wish or he'll whip out that executive action pen and show them who's boss!!

On the surface you'd think we should do all we can to protect our power grids and water treatment facilities.  So what is the problem?  After all, he's only asking for voluntary standards... under Homeland Security scrutiny!!! 

And there's the rub.  The Republicans in the House has already passed a bill "encouraging" businesses to share cyberthreat information.  That was probably a big mistake as it'll be rolled into the responsibility of our buddies at Homeland Security who are the sole judge of what constitutes a national security issue and whether a company falls under that umbrella.

Okay I'm extrapolating there, but do you really think a crisis would not give HS the opportunity to further regulate businesses?  All in the name of security?

Ol' Ben Franklin keeps yelling in my ear "those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserves neither".


butt readsalot neckid said...

Steve King has a great idea...

repeel all of the halfricans bills/laws/x orders...

that's a good start...not enuff but not bad...

of the reservation said...

Butt?!?!?! You read?!?!?!?

All the crap that oozed from that White African's pen needs to be burned.