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Now that the legal mumbo jumbo is outta the way...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Birds of a feather...

Email making the rounds: Father of the groom

Before I came to Cincinnati, I was a news reporter at WOC in Davenport Iowa. I covered a lot of city council and a lot of political stuff. One of the guys I covered was Ed Mezvinsky, who was the Congressman from Iowa's first district. Seemed like a pretty nice guy, but when he ditched his wife for a New York reporter, the Iowa voters ditched him.

My most vivid memory is that he sat on the House Judiciary Committee that was deciding the fate of President Nixon. Anyway, years later, "Fast Eddie" got caught with his hand in the till. He cheated investors out of more than $10 million dollars. He has gone to prison for several years.

This weekend, his son married Chelsea Clinton.



off the reservation said...

My Dear Chelsea, might I recommend the following:

" is this vast right wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband..."

Please ask your mother and Matt Lauer about proper hand gestures and intonation while uttering the statement above.

Oh, another tip: Plastics....

butt curiously neckid said...

I know there is a point.....

Birds of a feather...does chelsee look like vince foster or what????


off the reservation said...

What she looks like will not matter in 15 years. She will be wearing a burqa.

butt thankfully neckid said...

OTR...that's a good thing....