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Now that the legal mumbo jumbo is outta the way...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

For your consideration!

What do you think about the possibility of a Petraus VP for Romney?  Me thinks Obama is wishful thinking cause this would probably chase away all the independents.

For the conspiracy theorists among you: Wayne Allen Root on Obama's college years.

I'm sorry, but are the Dems getting desperate, are they really dragging po Jimmy out of his hole?


shuttindown said...

"Great Moments With Mr. Carter".
Another animatronic wonder brought to you by the Disney Imagineering Team...but make sure to play some background music to mask the hiss of steam and whine of servo motors.
(but it WILL say wonderful democratic things......)

J Cooper said...

For the conspiracy theorists among you....I guess that would be me.But you gotta admit Mr.Root does bring up some good points.How could anyone with eyes,go to school with this fraud and not remember him.Long legged mac daddy with dumbo ears,come on,you know you would remember this POS.

Auntie Em said...

Hey Coop! Actually that "conspiracy theorist" crack was meant to drag Ivan outta the woods.

And yes I would like for one person to stand up and say I went to school with Obama. I don't think that is going to happen.

butt whitecane neckid said... could be the skool for the blind...did ya ever think o' dat???...

butt herderhelper neckid said...

Ivans in the woods???...crap!!!...maaa we gotta bring in the!!!...

butt smartass neckid said...

Jimmy???...Jimmy who??? you mean Billys brother Jimmah???...yeah ol' Billy was the brains in that family stick...