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Now that the legal mumbo jumbo is outta the way...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Enough with the race baiting.

post from another forum:

Ahh, here's the government media in full swing! When Nazi Pelosi(DEMOCRAT) calls our soldiers "nazi's"...the story dies quickly.

When Eric Holder(DEMOCRAT) calls the American people a "nation of cowards"...the story dies quickly.

When the Obama administration(DEMOCRATS) calls Tea Partiers "Right-wing extremists" and "terrorists"...the story dies quickly.

When Obama's preacher Jeremiah Wright(DEMOCRAT) says "God Damn America!" and "Destroy White People!"...the story dies quickly.

But when Joe Wilson, a REPUBLICAN, yells "YOU LIE!"...the story grows, name-calling ensues, he's asked to resign, he's asked to apologize again and again, it ends up on the front page of the newspapers, it ends up a huge issue on the T.V., and the DEMOCRATS sit around bitching about those mean ole' rude Republicans.

See the difference, folks?

These liberals, democrats, and their media are easier to read than a children's book!

by Big Joe Williams


The liberals just wish our complaints and accusations of lying were all because of race. It would be so much easier for them to explain!


butt neckid said...

you go Big and Joe Wilson seem to have things well in point out the truth and he speaks the truff.....

YOU LIE!!! put ol' joe into the history books.......who's gonna be the next brave scumsuckin' politician to stand up and tell them the truff.........I'm almost sure Mr. Wilson wanted to get into history books for a different reason......butt hell he's there now.....good.....

Auntie Em said...

Yeah just say it under your breath, if everyone turns and looks at you just say "did I say that outloud?". There was a comedian that used to say that.