They were asked to move to the other side of the street, they did. All very peacefully.
Hope Obama got an eyeful of how extremist and violent this group can be.
And… TikTok is officially offline in the US
1 hour ago
ya gotta be careful around them ol' ladies....they can swing a mean walker...
really!!! try this one time...wear protective equipment....get between a bunch of ol' ladies and the buffet at GOLDEN CORRAL on senior citizen discount night....
hell my granma chased black bears outa the blackberry bushes with a broom when I was a kid...
I miss my granma
good bunch of sheeple there. i bet the original Tea Partiers would be proud of them.
One of the things I learned growing up on the reservation is that it is not the animal barking, growling, and behaving viciously you should worry about. That animal will run at the first sign that it is threatened. The one animal you should fear is the one that sits patiently among the cedar trees and brush.
Many displays I have seen from the liberals where they chant loudly and put on their shows of "disobedience." When everything flies apart, they will be the first to run.
Those folks out there obediently protesting know they have the ultimate power. There is no need for them to shout profanity and act disobediently. The only problem is will the tyrant understand the message in time?
OTR....these folks were raised in a time if you used bad language you got.......
yo' ass EVERYBODY!
your mouth washed with LYE SOAP....
and yo' ass whipped by everybody...
I think that I'm 'membering that correctly...if my memory isn't working so good you wanna see the marks left by that switch I brought to gramma???
I really do miss my gramma....
Same could be said for the NCOs that worked for me; however, there was not enough soap on this planet to do justice for what came out of those fine instruments of death and destruction. Any one of them could say stuff that would make the devil himself blush. Not to mention all the stories about Juarez.
Word Verification: cheapfu
Glad you guys responded before I went off on Doc.
Sumbody say RADICAL,sorry my bad,thought uzz talkin at me.
COOP...tend the garden...
Roger that,butt!!
Appears you have taken an interest in growning "Hibiscus" to catch deer. Any Peyote in there? Time to smoke the pipe, sweat a little.
I mention Hibiscus because:
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