Think we could kick this site up a notch? Maybe have some guest writers and co-admin? What about advertising, yes or no? What is it about a site that keeps you coming back every day. Do you want general consensus or total antagonistic venom spewing?
I've considered it in the past but didn't think anyone would be that interested in my ramblings. But with a little help from my friends (get that song outta your head) maybe it could happen!
Comments please and tell your friends.
Top 20 Books That LRC Readers Bought This Week!
9 hours ago
.....a very belated thanks for all the birthday wishes I am seeing in my yahoo account.... smack me!
SD I need your email!
If we do this then we need to ensure that we keep aliasing to a minimum. Nefarious elements aliasing others was a problem on the Boortz site for a while.
So that means we need to get something up on this blogspot thing (I am working on that now) to gain a unique identity. That means I have had to tap into the knowledge of my grandson to help me. All you other old farts should do likewise.
Good point! Blogger has upgraded their options and I'm looking into those. They now offer the ability to add pages for one.
I will definitely want you OTR to be a part of this!
I have a friend in the marketing biz so he can get us some excellent rankings. Infact if you google libertarian woman I have top stop most days and usually no further down than five.
OTR...are you tryin' to turn us into pedalfiles...tappin' our granchillin'???...huh???...whaa???...oh!!!...knowledge...
neber min'...
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