My point? Let's do a what if. Take your pick to which scenario you have thoughts about.
1. Obama wins a second term. What will he do? What effect will it have on our economy, freedoms, future?
2. Israel attacks Iran. What nations will jump in to defend Iran and what nations will jump in to defend Israel from repercussions? What "blowback" can we expect here at home? Do you think war will be conventional?
We had a long discussion about these issues at work today, people are talking about them among themselves but you don't see anything publicly. The responses I received were shocking. Let me hear your thoughts first.
welll...if the halfrican gets a second bite of the pie...
I see more executive orders com'in...
a massive tax increase on those wit' jobs earnin' more than $3.50...
ammendments I, II, IV, VI, XV,XIX, XX,XXII will be suspended...
firearms of any type bein' confiscated...
all travel restricted...
as for the Isrealis nukin' iran...ever'buddy will pile on Isreal...they have no frien's...well frien's that would fight wit'/for them...
an' all the communists will wring their hands an' send a pittance in the way of aid...ever'buddy down wind will be pissed off at Bibi...
as for blowback...fists will be shaken, firey word spit out, demands other words, same crap, different day...nuttin' hunny...
we can't do a fuggin' thing fer 'em...why not??? the resources to do anything are not there...
I could go on but...
Looking more and more like Obama going to get it. Most people are addicted to their food stamps, disability, and unemployment.
After the election, all those taxes kick in. There will be a bump in the government coffers which will relieve some debt pressure from Obama's spending spree. Increase in black theology/black panther groups as well as more Muslim extremism here in the US. More and more crimes against white people.
More moves to root out people with firearms. Stalinist incarcerations for medical review until people "admit" to their crimes followed by firearm confiscations. People will push back and riot. More law enforcement will be killed knocking on doors which will lead to more draconian measures.
Media already in the tank for Obama will continue to publish rosy pictures of the economy and all of the liberal feel good stuff going on. More and more, call upon the liberals to root out those hateful nasty Tea Party people. Once identified, Tea Party people's homes will be destroyed by anonymous gangs at night. Bodies discovered following morning. No suspects.
Small business owners will be forced to display pro Obama propaganda in their shop windows. Failure to do so leads to crippling vandalism. Those who resist finally lose their businesses and their lives.
Food distribution to cities will start to become more difficult and prices will shoot up. Lines longer to collect government assistance checks. Fewer people will actually try to work. Food production in the midwest will drop off.
Increase in the number of affluent people will continue to flock to Washington, DC. Classic maneuver of the monarch when an empire starts to deteriorate. Washington will enforce more collection measures to obtain revenue for the monarch and redistribute to the party faithful. OBamacare being the basis for the new taxes. Areas not having voted for Obama will be left to die. (Obamacare has a section devoted to demographic analysis and redistribution according to health panels).
Inflation will start to take off and catch the Fed by surprise. Stock markets crash. Banks close. When the banks closed in the Soviet Union there was already an underlying capitalist system that dominated their black market. So it really did not matter. Here, the capitalist system will have collapsed and people will start to starve. Farms will be confiscated for government control. People will be rounded up for compensatory work programs on farms. This will become a failure (as always in the past) since nobody knows how to do agriculture this way. Chances are, farmers are killed off while forcibly taking their land leading to no one knowledgeable.
The Army will be mobilized and the USeless Govt will declare martial law, dividing the country into the FEMA districts, sending resources to quell riots in the red states (actually confiscating property) to redistribute medical, food, and other supplies to the blue states. This will last for a short time until everything runs out.
Massive riots everywhere, Russia and China seize opportunity to take land without any opposition. Mexico retakes California and suffers heavy casualties trying to take back Texas (sniper behind every cedar tree). States will band into protective agreements. In desperation, the Congress votes to give Obama emergency powers, many members wish to return home to save their families. Republican families targeted by special TSA hit squads. Obama orders the disbanding of civilian court structure (including Supreme Court) institutes his own special tribunals. US as we know it, ceases to exist.
Middle Eastern Govts will move on Israel. Nuclear weapons will be used. Oil will go ballistic. TX and LA will try to retain control on their oil but will be invaded by US forces to confiscate. Like in Venezuela, the US forces will try to round up operators for the rigs and refineries but find fewer and fewer leading to a halt in any production. South America and Latin America will see their chance to use extortion on the US for oil. This could go many ways. People will flee to Canada.
Now, do you want the bad news?
Consider what happens if:
the transportation system collapses
the power grid collapses
the communications grid collapses
What would this do to banking, security, food distribution, etc.?
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