Yep, Mitch McConnell has asked the FBI to investigate the ILLEGAL recording of a conversation.
awwww Poor MJ.
Top 20 Books That LRC Readers Bought This Week!
5 hours ago
GET OUT OF MY POCKET! Before Washington can read the bills they are pushing, they need to read the Constitution.
The pinnacle of liberal journalism. Yet, they do everything they can to bury this:
OTR - the biggest problem with journalism is that most people actually pay attention to it.
Hey, that would make a dandy one of those cryptoquote puzzles now, wouldn't it?
Hope things are good out on the range.
OH SD I am So using that! Don't worry I'll give you credit.
Auntie, I am flattered! :)
Funny story...years ago while on submarine duty, I and my fellow sonarmen were known for our recalcitrance and somewhat wry take on things while down there punching holes in the water, poised to throw nuclear rocks back at the Soviets if they threw first.
Anyway, as my EAOS drew near in the sunset of my brilliant 6 year Naval career, many of my shipmates expressed their own trepidation at becoming voluntarily unemployed, and had to wonder if they could do it.
Well, who can say where such inspirational wisdom comes from when we say things before even realizing we said it - it just pops out and there it is.
My knee-jerk reply to the first time this doubt was discussed was:
"Say what you want - McDonalds doesn't change depth"
The crowd went wild, and that phrase went wild around the boat for awhile.
As an unofficial motto it was only surpassed by the boat's first unofficial motto:
"We deliver on time or the second one is free"
I just shot coffee out of my nostrils!
Cleans out the peyote dust
Look who's stifling free speech this time! That angry old white man said it. What's wrong with publicizing it? You can't live with people knowing how much hate you have for others?
You know damn well if it was the republicans recording illegally YOU would be all over them and have in the past so drop the hypocrisy. Ya got caught, fess up to it.
deflect deflect deflect
Let me see. As I recall:
"Senate ethics rules forbid legislative assistants and other Senate employees from participating in political activities on government time."
Seems the only crime committed here is from your chinless angry old white man, McConnell(R-KY)? Seems that at the very worst, these were concerned citizens who were standing out in a hallway, minding their own business. When it became that there might be a crime being committed, did what any good citizen would do. Gather evidence that can be used for an investigation. I think that it's very obvious at this point that nobody at Mother Jones committed any crimes. There is something called journalism, remember? The press is protected under the 1st Amendment. Remember that document you like to spout off about. You do remember that document? What's it called?????
"Bugging" is not journalism. Remember WaterGate?????
And I couldn't care less about McConnell, he is closer to being YOUR guy than mine.'re making me smirk a little ma. And yes, for what it's worth as "press", is indeed protected under the 1st.
And the guy who has 35 mason jars in his basement containing prepubescent vaginas is protected under the 4th. Hopefully for him a stupid cop makes just one eensey tiny mistake in chain of custody.
Sorry - that's not very germane to your point, but I do get thrown off when liberals start holding up the Constitution the same way kids use trash can lids as shields in rock fights.
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