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Now that the legal mumbo jumbo is outta the way...

Monday, September 14, 2009

People have lost faith in the Media

A Pew Research poll backs up what I have been saying for months. The media no longer does the job it was intended. The First Amendment was written to specifically protect the media so they could be the People's Watch Dog! And they have failed this responsibility.

No one does investigative reporting. No one does non-partisan reporting.

Of course we expect the Republicans to be critical and distrustful of the media, but the surprising change, at least in the last two years, is the number of Democrats who no longer feel the media is accurate or unbiased. That was a surprise! At least to me! Maybe our liberal friends are starting to wake up.

Democrats went from 23% to 33% in saying that the media is too critical of America! 'Bout dropped my drink when I read that, be still my beating heart...

1 comment:

butt neckid said...

I get the sunday paper for the comics and tv guide.....the comics are 'bout 73% correct and the tv guide ummmmm ahhhhhh 54%......oh crap.....same as the vote fo' osamabama....and his adMENISTRATION....