Enjoy the video? I had a few problems with it and while chewing over my words, our buddy butt neckid (who sent to me and several others) had a followup which touched on almost all my issues! So with his permission, here goes (if you get offended with any of the language then go back to Media Matters):
First off I changed font for this message...and the color will appear soon...
shipmate Cooper has sent me a lot of stuff today and I have shared it
with you...the We the People clip was well put together and had a pretty
good message...here comes that other shoe, buttttttt...
americans have only fought one war for our FREEDOM...it was way back
when those ol' white slave ownin' guys started this country...
then we have defended a bunch of others freedoms from sumbitchin'
tyrants...now hang on...don't start callin' me names just yet...
my grandad went off to war to end all wars (WW I)...an' he won, kinda...
my dad went off, no
wait he was there in Pearl, so they delivered it to him...an' he an' a
cuppla buddys won that one (WW II)...sorta...
then he went to Korea...I think that wound up a tie...maybe...
me an' a bunch of dumbasses hauled our butts to southeast asia an'
fought wit' uncle Ho's team for 10+ years...NO winners there...well the
commies came out with the prize at a very high price...
and now
we are in the crap hole of all crap holes...we got bitch slapped by some
stinkin' moooslambs who stole some airplanes an' crashed into 3
buildings and a meadow...an' we're on the losing team...
huh???...whaadaafaa did you say???...WE ARE LOSING!!!...don't believe me???...
okay dumbass...try to get on an air plane wit' a large drink an' your pocket knife...haaa...you can't!!!..WE ARE LOSING...
how does your wife, mom, daughter feel when the TSA gang grope 'em...you'd be locked up if you tried that!!!...WE ARE LOSING...
next come trains, buses, your car...did you enjoy your last prostate exam at the air port???...WE ARE LOSING...
we have sent our young warriors off to a foreign cesspool in the
fuggin' desert to get killed by so called allies...3 this very day...WE
so now
let me ax ya...who's freedom are those youngsters (AL's grandson, usa,
LIZ's son, usmc) fighting for???...yours???...mine???...I can't hear
last time I had the bees buzzin' over my head the fightin' wasn't for
mom, apple pie or the american way...it was for the survival of me an
the dumbass next to me...he was thinkin' the same thing...whaadaa hell
am I doin' here???...
desert dwellin' stinkin' moooslamb may wanna kill ya but your
scumsuckin'politicians are the ones that are strippin' your freedoms
whats the solution???...wellll...for starters, if they are in office today
THEY ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM!!! you dumbass...you sent them there...
so number
two is when you head for the polls make sure you head is full of facts
and not lil' fuzzy puss...eeer kittens...know the issues...forget party,
if they tend to think like you do that's the one...
orrrrrrrrrr...leave the box/circle blank... if there is no good choice...
but please don't use our kids in uniform to say they are defending our freedom...
I may have upset some of you, those that kno' me will kno' I don't give
a fuzzy rat turd about your feelings, because if you voted for an
incumbent you deserve to have that fuzzy rat turd shoved up your
ass...with the rat attached!!!...okay gotta go the meds just kicked