Tell me this don't give you goose bumps! "Just following orders"
Top 20 Books That LRC Readers Bought This Week!
5 hours ago
GET OUT OF MY POCKET! Before Washington can read the bills they are pushing, they need to read the Constitution.
18 comments: goosed bumpers...just ragin' xplosive die-a-reara...
auntie...send an email...
Why Sybil! Another persona is peaking out here. You've been a little shy about exposing this one.
How many more little people in that mind of yours? Are you really a woman or are you a man. With all your little friends in your head now there's a party!
Auntie Em, or Libertarian Woman, or, hmmm.
Ya know, that Indian is pretty wild too. And your little dog Toto too!
Actually Ma, Toto belonged to Dorothy. Remember? And then that big earthquake hit and they sunk into the La Brea tar pits. Come on, we all know the story...
Oh Sybil, personas, what you are, who you are and all your various characters. I find it all very amusing.
This is how your repugnicans see yourselves. You think there are 40 people in the room when its just you and the mirrors.
And its how psychotic repugnicans keep themselves from dying from loneliness.
Where's that indian character that you just love to bring out?
Really? Is that the best you can do?
And yet, she/he ignores the subject of this post.
No comment about YOUR prez using drones? I used to think Bush was bad but dang hon, O is really pushing it.
Oh but if it's Obama it's ok!!!
You've got nothin to hang on when your source is Alex Jones. Birds of a feather. You're both out of your minds.
You need to pull that aluminum foil hat off your head and open your eyes!
Open my eyes to what? Drones are a good thing? Is that what you are trying to say?
Come on, I want to hear from the used-to-be-anti-war-leftist.....
What happened to you people?
When it comes to liberalism, fascism suits them well.
MJ is a product of the government is religion generation. The high priest of their church and its acolytes, the NSA and CIA, are all part of the ceremony.
Obama is not Hitler or Stalin, this is true. He is far more nefarious and malevolent than those two could have ever been. Stalin was raised to become a Jesuit priest. Obama was raised in the J Wright's church to be a leader of the New Black Tyranny Theology.
Obama has expanded the powers of the NSA and CIA further than any president before him:
No longer are we protected by the Bill Of Rights. In fact, by having mentioned my belief in the Constitution, having sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution, makes me an enemy of the State. As more and more limitations are lifted from Obama's powers, his crimes will become more far-reaching, more deadly.
Obama has been killing innocent women and children in drone attacks around the world. Nobody is afforded any protection from the vile piece of black putrid excrement in the White House. He projects his power of evil around the world. Hitler and Stalin never had power like this.
Obama has the same darkness in his soul as Stalin and Hitler. I pray that the world does rise up against Obama and send him to painful, miserable grave as they did Hitler. I pray that Obama's followers are tracked down and slaughtered like pigs who are so diseased as to have no value for anything at all. I pray to all that is good that this menace in the Washington, D.C., is crushed and obliterated from existance.
I am but a weak old man. I do not have the power to stand up against the armies of evil at Obama's command:
Obama can obliterate me with nothing more than a passing scoff and a mention of my name. How in these United States, could any man be given this power of death and torture over anyone?
And you cannot blame Bush. Obama made these powers for himself.
Truth is the truth, whether it comes from you or Alex Jones. Problem is you don't know the truth when you see it. You speak the truth only when it's convenient or by accident.
Sybil, really, don't like it here? Then move! You haven't got a clue about how good you got it here. All your little voices just have to gripe.
Like I said, your friend Alex and all his tin hat followers don't impress anyone! What's next? Blame Obama for the problems in Syria? All that started long before Obama took office. He's just having to deal with problems left us by your smirking shrub.
There's a few folks left in the country that get disgusted to see our president ordering the execution of thousands of people. Those innocent people are executed for 2 reasons. They aren't US citizens. They happen to fit a profile. No positive ID required.
This goes on every day around the world. You go along with it. People will only tolerate the injustice for so long. Blood's on your hands.
Oh, I don't think you should leave. I think we can find you a nice plot somewhere we can put you way under. Because way down deep I bet you're pretty good.
You can believe what you like. We're right in the end. You can think what you want. Those of us that are reasonable and can think are in charge anyway.
Is that your BFF, "off the meds" that got himself in trouble? You people should not have ANY guns!
"Alexis could have been my son."
=== Barrack Obama
Aren't any of you capable of posting something other than a Republican/Faux News talking point?
Just like a bunch of Repubs. You leave the adults to clean up your mess.
When I see an adult, I'll let you know.
It used to be the Dems that were all against war and abusing citizen rights, what happened to you guys?
Of course you do MJ cause you don't really believe in Freedom! You'd be happy with a monarchy with Obama as king.
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