"Swiss intelligence analysts point to what they describe as a “cabal” of
US military officers “fully intent” upon destroying the Obama regime,
even if it means war."
There is supposedly yet another individual, a Swiss citizen, who has reports collected from MI6 and our CIA to be turned over to wikileaks. These could be even more damaging than Manning/Snowden.
Also, did you know there was a military coup uncovered last February?
I have been saying that the "travel warning" issued this week was probably a distraction and to watch for the other shoe to fall.
Interesting reading, is it true? Don't know, but something to watch for.
Top 20 Books That LRC Readers Bought This Week!
5 hours ago
That's some interesting stuff!
Alex Jones has met his match! You're all loony!
Even your own Glenn Beck has some sense.
I find all you tea suckers completely off your rockers! LOL!
Well MJ ya beat me to it, was just about to post GB's piece. Bet it bugs you that he was the one that debunked it.
At least I admit when I'm wrong. When was the last time you did? NEVER. And don't even try to claim you are never wrong either.
Plus MJ ignored "supposedly" and "is it true". MJ gets an f for Failure on reading comprehension.
Your always wrong. The trait of a race of old white people.
And you are not old or white? HA
Oh and btw, it's "you're" not "your".
Gubmint education.
"Your always wrong. The trait of a race of old white people."
YOU'RE always bringing race into the conversation. The trait of raging inferiority complex.
Where's your BF LW? Just another one of your old white guys parading around with a tomahawk? Are you sad because they don't allow conjugal visits at the county jail?
Told you he would go down for those threats of his. The rest of you're going right along. I'll be laughing the whole time!!!!
I am deeply touched that you would show such intense concern about my love life. I really do not know a good way to let you down other than to be honest. I already have a sqaw and we are very much committed to one another after many decades of sharing good and hard times.
Unlike you, I do not believe in the "if it feels good, just do it" approach to life. I find one sqaw is all that I can handle. And, I am very happy with that. Obviously, you misunderstand that a true relationship is not just nightly casual sex with that last man/woman passed out at the bar. Unfortunately, you are everything we have come to expect from years of government school training.
I see that you miss reading my thoughts on Obama. You can read my latest thoughts here:
as always...
"Goodness"! LOL "Enlightened"! ROFLOL
Poor baby. You keep thinking that.
My beloved squaw read your words and is sickened by your existence. Really, Ms Jones? You find the elements of my culture offensive? All you have to offer in response to cherished words of endearment that I share with my squaw are the profane and vile elements of your nature. All liberals know how to do is take something that is good and turn it into something that is offensive. That is what you did with our culture. You took our children away, marched them off to your schools and beat their heritage out of them. You called it: “Kill the Indian, Save the Man.” Many of our children died from the beatings. Many of our children were choked on soap and other poisons when they dared speak the words of their ancestors. Many of our children were butchered when they dared sing the songs of our heritage. Many of our keegsquaw were murdered and raped by your so-called “enlightened” teachers.
You do not know what it is to be female. You are disgusted by the elements of your own nature and then convey that perverted aspect of your life onto us. In my culture, we celebrate the female and male nature of our lives. Being squaw is something beautiful, a bringer of life, nurturer, defender of her home, counsel, and matriarch. Why do you use our words for something that is good as a weapon for evil?
How pathetic! Who's believing that BS? You're delusional and belong in psych ward.
Your "wife" is angry because she is waking up to the fact that you have been abusing her!
And this is why the only resolution will involve force and violence. Either your side, your liberal leaders in Washington, will use force to subdue and enslave the rest of us to produce everything for you. Or we will use bloody violence to drive you away or wipe you out.
You make up your own dialog to create a vile and digusting fabrication. You shape the dialog into something disgusting. What we do is not what you agree with so you must make it a crime. Your heart is full of evil for it takes an evil person to do the things that you do, to corrupt everything around you. bruths from anutha your advanced age one squaw is MUCH MORE than youse can handle...give her a hug an' a squeeeeeeze from me...go read yer email...
Butt, Sent you mail.
or are you the retiredsailorman?
Sent you many emails. Let me know how you want to proceed.
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Liberals can never be at fault. They never apologize for their mistakes. Liberals make up the rules. Liberals decide who is bad and who is good.
Funny ain't it? Think about what liberals have said about Christians. It's goin around. Liberals became the very thing they criticized. Liberals, time to look in the mirror and do some soul searching? MJ, don't you see a problem with your life?
At this point in time, I would welcome a military coup. A coup is in our best interests because it would remove this current government, and hopefully we get new elections soon.
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