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Now that the legal mumbo jumbo is outta the way...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Now THERE are some stupid Somali Pirates

Hijacking a North Korean ship???? Are you guys suicidal? This might be fun to watch...,2933,584681,00.html


weasel slapper said...

I could be wrong but I doubt Dear Leader will send any troops or make any rescue attempt. He will likely use the UN. He knows that the world already views Obama as weak. If Kim were to fail where O succeeded when dealing with the pirates then he would be seen as a laughing stock. Well, more than he already is.

off the reservation said...

Here is a theory. Suppose that this is a weapons delivery. Assume that the pirates have collected some ransom from earlier heists to make it interesting for some of their "kindred" spirit. So rather than North Korea running the risk of confrontation, they stage a piracy to make the delivery.

Auntie Em said...

I was HOPING this post would draw out some comment from Ivan on what he thought was going on in the Gulf of Aden.

But OTR, your scenario is just plain scary! And would make a really great movie.

off the reservation said...

Watch a few days of Rahm, Axel, and Obama at work and one starts to think in nefarious ways.

J Cooper said...

Whats going on in the Gulf Of Aden??

Nutin Honey,The same thing that's going on,on Diego Garcia,nutin.

You Navy types will understood that.

I'm just hopein come the 11th,somebody brakes out the earthquake weapon and gets the party started!!!

butt neckid said...

IVAN is an' him are puttin' up our special antenna in the bunker......

it has some kinda feature called anti EMP....whatever that is....we will watch the stooperbowl and then wait for the 11th to happen.....

a lil' to the left.....your other left dumbass!!!!

off the reservation said...

Check out this dumbass:

Out of touch!!! Corpses???? We have corpses working in the Navy?

What a scumsuckin DUMBASS!

I know, I know:

"It's the teleprompter's fault."

And I want to thank BN for raising my blood pressure by reminding me to go to:

Prezdunce C3PO said...

We're doomed!