It's called the Pelosi Index. Maybe I should insert her picture? Nah, stomach not strong enough.
What I found interesting is that only 135 Republicans in the House received a 0% score, meaning they never sided with Pelosi. That number should be higher; and the remaining? Those are what I've been trying to tell some so-called conservatives (ECC?) that make up the definition of a RINO.
The article claims that the reason more Democrats are in office is because they lie to their constituents. That's true, but let's also be honest, many with an R after their name have also obviously lied just to get votes.
Now you could use this to decide which ones to keep OR you could go with the Get Out Of Our House crew and get rid of ALL incumbents and start over. Theory being even those of a less than desirable party would be so new they wouldn't be poisoned by the Potomac AND they will also take a lesson to Washington: screw up and they'll kick us out.
There are some other options and we'll be covering those as well. But one thing to keep in mind: 2010 and 2012 elections are some of the most important the nation and the most important any of us alive have ever faced.
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8 hours ago
you don't need her pic'er you have her mug shot....
I don't think I need to remind anybuddy...butt I will.......
GOOOH is good butt so is DRIP....
of course most of the incumbents will be there after the elections in november....why???
DUMBASSES vote too...... kno' you are shovelin' sh!t against the tide butt I don't want you to ever quit.....
trubble is you will on'y vote once't....well twice't maybe....butt my dead gramma got buried in chicago and she's been dead 'bout 15 years or so and ain't neber missed votin' 6 or 7 times each election......and she joined the union.....
Scumsuckin politicians, every one....
There is some nonsense afoot in Washington to create a federal law mandating that everyone on every govt list must be registered to vote.
There is nothing in this move to ensure acknowledgment from the person being registered that they know it happened.
It is not enough that dead people vote, butt now we have to give ACORN a larger list of names to go vote with.
I am heading out to west Texas to do more shooting.
And gee, wonder what party affiliation they will give all those people on the "lists".
Well, you know I'm with you on hating Pelosi, but how fair is the index? Does it also take into account when they vote on procedural votes and things that probably most politicians would co-agree?
member Scumsuckeree??? I think we was on ta sumthin.This looks alot like the ofishal scumsucker index.
No No my bad,ifin that be the case,the repubs wood all be 0's
We all no that aint right, they all be linein up at the scum troff.
They all be suckin!!!
Now I'm headin to west Texas to do some shootin.What??I don't live in Texas.So I'm goin to the shoot straight and do sum shootin.
Then I'm comin home and drink some seareeous beer.Aint got no work tonight.
One mo thing!! Anybody else out there cold???
Its freeeezzen down here in FLA. They be callin fur snow on Fryday.
I'm callin owlgore and beggin him to crank up the volume on that globel warmin shit. friggin' airdale....the keys on my playskool tape writtir iz bein'' sum iz painted on.....
and anuther thing I can break the rules.....why????
go back to boortz and check the lady on da plain boss......da plain
we's related.......nuff sayed???
for those of you that may be interested....
then check your service or look at at all the _____TIMES
there is sum news about the SEAL case in the navy times
I have been freezing my butt off!
From Jan6:
From Jan7:
Looks like somebody rushed into a case with a gross lack of evidence. Good! This thing smelled like dead fish from the beginning.
Ever since Tail hook, generals have become PC wussified panty waste. This is the kind of thing Pelosi, Boxer, Obama, and liberal waste, want to see happen to our service.
We have hardworking soldiers and sailors out there doing the real work, carrying the rifle, manning the lookout, taking the fight to the enemy. This general served at PERSCOM (Army Personnel Command) back when he was a major (I will not say how I know). This man has been in "the system," a part of "the system." He is a political animal. Maybe he had actual time in the trenches, but like most of those at the high echelons above the reality of the fight, he seems to be full of PC.
IT'S COLD!!! We have sleet in the area. Augusta is not used to this.
OTR, I'm thinking this SEAL story needs it's own post but you obviously know more about it than I do, procedurely and all.
Sounds like a good article for you to write!!!
email me
and I'll post it.
On the way....
It may be a little wordy.
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