Notes during:
Quit grinning Joe, you look like a buffoon.
OMG did O just try to say they created more transparency when they took over the bailouts???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look at the lovely smirky grin on Nancy.
"Modest fee on big banks to pay back the taxpayers who bailed them out in their time of need" - you mean the ones who were forced to take the money? Oh and I thought they were paying back they money, so this is in ADDITION to the paybacks? Yeah that same old tired dog.
Cut taxes for 95% of Americans - most of whom dont pay taxes to begin with?
Cut taxes for small business - huh? dont know about that but they are paying higher portions of COBRA for laid off workers thanks to his "tax cuts".
"No income taxes increased by a single dime" - YET
and there's the magical 2million jobs saved or created again - cops, teachers, firefighters. Gee I hadn't heard they were all about to lose their jobs to begin with...
dang was that Dingy Harry yawning already?
Now we're getting to more meat and potatoes: jobs focus of 2010 and calling for a new jobs bill, first time the Republicans stood up and applauded since he walked into the room.
BUT, a jobs bill is not really what we need. Businesses are not hiring because they are uncertain. Uncertain of what taxes they can budget for, uncertain of health care costs to budget for, uncertain of utility costs to budget for. Stop doing anything and let everyone get back to work.
I'm sure he won't listen to me so back to the address.
New nuclear power plants? Really? Hmmm might be onto something there. Along with expanded offshore drilling and clean coal technology. Yeahhhh let's see you get that past the environmentalists.
Increase our exports. Sounds good, but with our manufacturing base decimated it will be interesting to see how we're going to accomplish that. And we do NOT need another NAFTA type agreement.
Just HAD to bring up the energy bill again. It's a JOBS KILLER! You can't be serious about any of your proposals if you keep trying to push this crap through. He's talking about even if you don't believe the science, it's where the economy of the world is going and we need to be number one (paraphasing greatly there). Ummmm actually, most of the world is coming around to realize what a scam this is. You will see more and more back peddling on this one around the world.
He wants to continue work on Health Care.
Then in my opinion, he blew it when he started "preaching" at the Republicans for obstructing. Not a chance of trying to understand why they keep trying to stop his policies when they are so far left, that is not leadership.
Also attacked the Supreme Court for it's recent ruling on 1st Amendment protection on campaign spending by corporations. Urged Congress to draft legislation basically to undermine their ruling. That could cost him down the road.
So no one took my bet as to which way Obama would choose to go with this address. Shame, cause I could have made some money. He is still sticking to his agenda, not budging or coming back to the center at all.
I give him a C-. And that is only as high as it is because of the power plants and offshore drilling.
Need to throw this in here:
Read the Republican response from Gov McDonnell, nice speech but didn't really "respond" to much of what Obama proposed. I give it a B-.
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8 hours ago
I watched it with the sound off - sometimes, the body language screamed "I am LYING!!", at others it was asking "Why, oh why won't you believe the bullshit I'm feeding you."
I listened to the speech without watching. What he said was, "I'll tell you what you want to hear, but I'll still do what I want".
The Obama proved the assertion: "How do you tell when a politician is lying? His lips are moving."
Just more of the same, even worse, cause now he has openly declared use of Executive Order. Even though he has been doing it anyway, now you can expect to see a rush of them.
is it over?????
watchin' cartoons and curious george got up in front of a bunch of scumsuckin'politicians and yaked....
whaaaaa? that wasn't curious george??? who was it???? osamabama????? you lie!!!
I came in to this group that I am consulting to this morning. Not a one of them watched the "Obama hates the US" show last night. Just a bunch of happy people going "Duuuude." And to think, these guys have college degrees and Ph.D's.
Come to think of it, I watched about five minutes before I got so angry that I took the dogs out hunting for coyote.
Antie Em, you are a far better person than I. I just could not watch it. I will probably watch it through YouTube tonight, at least, until I start convulsing more.
OTR....COOP.....drinkin' and smokin' iz the solution.....
auntie could you whip up a batch o' dem 'special need 'em.....
oh wait!!!! youz one of dem massicake.....oh hell you like......PAIN......
Ok, watching on YouTube.... Is there something wrong with his neck? If he keeps that chin way up there like that he might run into a wall with it.
Already have to take pain killers....
I might start drinking.
Oh God, grant me the strength.
So, he wants to give $30 billion to businesses because banks are not lending. Banks are not lending because government is borrowing. Would it not be the case that Obama is taking money out of the banks to put back into the banks? He is full of much hot air and much crap.
Small business incentive to hire new workers? I am not going to hire someone just on the basis of getting some pittance handout from Obama for one year. I hire based upon market demand and profits.
As a business, how do I realize a capital gain? If I sell an asset for a higher price than what I bought it, that would be a capital gain. There was a case involving sale of a property for my business but I bought another plot of land to "replace" it. This was considered a "like kind" exchange which did not realize a capital gain. My business is not involved in the purchase and sale of assets that may realize an appreciation so this whole thing is totally bogus. In fact, unless I am running a real estate business or brokerage firm, how would I benefit?
I am 17 minutes into this thing and I am getting HOMICIDAL!!!!!!
Word Verification: conist
More government involvement in public schools and now getting into the community colleges. The government has so screwed up education that a high school diploma is almost worthless. And who is going to pay for all those scholarships. I worked my butt off for college. People CAN work through college.
"Now, let's clear a few things up." As in, I am going to recreate history to make a stupid point about health care!
OBAMA: Y O U L I E ! ! ! ! !
I just listened to the Obama budget gimmick. Hurry up and spend beyond the credit card limit this year because next year we will cut the cards up. "...because that's how budgeting works." (Followed by laughter)
Then, blame blame blame. And more blame blame blame. Oh, and blame some more. What a condescending jerk! "I am your mother and I am going to wag my finger in your face and chew you out because you are a bad little boy." Obama, try this on! STOP ACTING LIKE AN ELITIST JERK!!! YOU WORK FOR US
This man is full of so much shit. He just will not STOP! Enough with the HellScare stuff already!!! I have never loathed anyone to the level that I hate this evil bastard. He is destroying everything in this country. He is making a total mockery of the office of president. He is standing up there feeding us crap thinking that people are so stupid to believe him. Here you go you smiling effing a$$hole, this one is for you Obama!!!!!
Auntie Em, you were right. He is not even going to make the slightest effort to move to the center. I dare say, he is going to dig in further and be the Uber Liberal that he is.
People in Uniform in that Room
The YouTube video that I watched was posted by C-SPAN. One thing I noticed on the times that the audience was scanned was the reaction of the people in military uniform up in the balcony area.
A few would stand and applaud. The vast majority just remained seated either with their chin in their hand or both hands in their lap. The Joint Chiefs remained seated and very stoic.
Obama bragged on increases and improvements to the VA. News Flash! Bush put that in place, not the filthy asshole beyond the teleprompter.
Ok, he just spoke of increased sanctions on Korea and got the Joint Chiefs to stand and applaud.
and then he complains about media creating cynicism.
Now I am going to puke.
Oh crap somebody quick, get the remote away from OTR!!!
Future note: don't let OTR watch Obama speeches without sedative...
yeah I just loved the derisive laughter about budgeting, sounded like me...
Oh be sure and check out RWN blog on the fact checking of SOTU by them and AP of all people! Right Wing News is one of my favorites.
Don't confuse this President with even the furthest lefty you've ever met. Progressives are a whole different breed. Even those who THINK they are progressive cannot tell you exactly what that means because they have done NO homework on the history.
I'm not sure if I've heard Ivan agree with me that I think the Progressives are tied into the New World Order theory.
uh oh!!! I think "they" got IVAN....
auntie....OTR....why do you guys put yourselves through soooo much pain???
oh I know to be uninformed is to be a victum...yea victum....part of dumb is in it....just go to any large public place and have a look........dumbasses.....dumbasses..ever'where... and not a drop of THINK......
one acorn drone has more votes than you two.....
I suggest you take several vicodine or oxycotton before you watch osamabama a'gin....
oxycotten is a regullated and patended pill made by dr feelsgoodalldatime' he is my neighbor....
code: helid
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