I may be adding to this, so check back often:
Brown lost in the Union households BUT not by a large percentage. THAT surprised me.
Deals out of Washington for Nebraska, Louisiana and unions - and many Democrats are blaming Coakley for her loss? Gotta love liberal inconsistency.
Massachusetts already has mandatory health insurance. If Obamacare passes, for the first 4 years before the benefits begin, Massachusetts residents not only would be paying their forced premiums (with extra kicked in for the less fortunate-gag) but they would also be paying the extra taxes for those first 4 years. No wonder they don't want this!!!!
Be sure and check out my blog roll, there are many great articles in the blogosphere today.
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8 hours ago
damn it auntie...check you spel chick.....it's MASSATWOSH!TS....
let me float an idea here....'member steve forbes??? we got to get him into high office....his daddy was a smart guy and didn't just hand over the biz to jr.......
he ran for prez years ago and didn't do well.....butt I still like him and would vote for him....
whadaya t'ink????
We need business people turning this thing around. Less than 7% of the jerks on President Obama's team have any prior business-related experience. A Forbes would be a good thing in the White House.
Other note, this State Attorney General Coakley was not an unknown to her state. She was voted into her attorney general position just a couple of years ago with over 74% of the vote. People really did not hate her. She really did not screw up in her job from what I can tell. The factors for her loss seem to have more to do with President Obama-related items.
Butt, Obama is going to force feed her to the sharks. Funny, I have already read a few left-leaning critics pen articles pointing the finger right at Obama.
are those fingers loaded?????
I got a middle finger here for President Obama just in case he needs help with that finger pointing. Oh, the one on my left hand is for Congressman Doggett.
Just sayin'
Coakley did have one major black mark on her record in a child abuse case against a child care center. The charges turned out to be bogus and at least one of the people charged are still trying to get their record straight. She was trying to put forth a "tough on crime" face but prosecuted what some people say were innocents.
Obama is in complete spin mode. They have their rationalizations. Obama, the chosen one, had this to say:
"People are angry and they are frustrated. Not just because of what's happened in the last year or two years, but what's happened over the last eight years."
And Stephanopopopolopoccrapolous there bobbing his head up and down. Did you get that Stepho? It is Bush's fault! So Coakley ran a screwed up campaign and everybody is mad at Bush so they voted for Brown. Oh this is good. This is REALLY good. Obama said that what "swept" Brown into office is the same thing that swept HIM, Obama, into office.
The man who takes blame for nothing has wrapped this up in a nice tidy little package and deflected responsibility for fault.
Hey Obama, here is what I think of your excuses:
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
Watch the master at work. Obama will appear to moderate to the center until he can get a good crisis going. Then he will be back on the left liberal wall. This man is an idealogue. He cannot be moderated. He will sacrifice himself for his screwed up liberal sack of Pelosi ideas.
He will have to push hellscare, tax and crap, and all the rest of the bull pelosi he is pushing. Obama cannot be bipartisan. He cannot do it.
Like the hand!
Don't forget to keep an eye on Rahm. He may be the real power behind the scenes.
Just issuing that notice since I am going to report on a breakfast I just had with a group of hard core liberals in Austin this morning.
Overall feeling, President Obama has been too nice and too bipartisan his first year. They want him to step up and pass all of his initiatives. They are willing to give him one more year.
They also believe that Coakley screwed it up herself and think very highly of Obama working very hard to pull her out of the fire. There is nothing more that they get out of that election.
Hellscare - The liberals want him to just do it. Include all of the bells and whistles and hammer the "filthy rich" insurance companies (making profits!!) out of existence and raise taxes on the rich. They want the single payer system since it is the only fair thing to do. One guy sat there and went on about a home in the more affluent part of Austin being so huge and the guy having so many cars. Meanwhile nobody can live in Austin on minimum wage much less get in to see a doctor. (I said nothing, but most of those affluent people are liberal lawyers that work with the liberal political establishment, like John O'Quinn, etc.)
Crap and Tax - Heating of the planet is just out of control. These horrible coal plants in Texas are screwing up the atmosphere in Austin and causing many cases of asthma and killing the old people. When is Austin going to install that solar panel farm and Austin should get federal dollars to do it? We need more wind power.
Bring Down the Banks - When is President Obama going to stop all of those obscene salaries? Nail those guys. What does anyone need with all of that money? Wow, President Obama donated $15,000 to the Haitian rescue effort. He is a really good guy.
House Concert - Who is throwing the next house concert, who is going to play, who is bringing the wine, who is bringing the weed? This is a lot of hard work.
My Opinion These folks seem to think that Obama has been working really hard to be a nice understanding man. This was not a case where they were trying to convince me of anything since they seem to think I am in their crowd. Funny, I say nothing to them, they just assume that by my presence I am in their camp (they pay for my engineering consulting services).
They want to see Obama shut out the Republicans and get his initiatives passed at any cost. This may be the type of radical liberal position that will evolve after the State of the Union Address.
I'm not at all surprise by any of that except that you kept your cool!!!
You'd make a great undercover operative.
Yes, the extreme progressives think that more should have been done and the hell with the constitution. JUST DO IT is their motto. Because they know what's right for us.
I know the feeling OTR, I am wore out arguing with some moron on facebook about immigration reform. MAN are they nasty folks.
Auntie.....ol' doc butt neckid has a cure for you....
non sequitur jan 17 2010....
I remember among the stories when growing up something about sitting and eating with the enemy to really learn about them. They are a very social group and they figure that I am just some stoic "injun" and nothing more. How often in history have Native Americans been amongst the enemy, quietly sitting there nonthreatening, no expression, taking in details and patterns, learning.
...a time to plant, a time to reap...
heeeey brownie is in D.C. and talkin' to mc I'm a loser all the time cain....whaaaadaaaafaaaa?????
that is already a bad start.....
oh! one more thing at the press confurants....nobuddy asked the most important kwestion......
AMERICA wants to know........
code: hos man
By the way, that was NOT me in Austin firing those shots at the capitol building.
If it was me, I would at least wear boxers.
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