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Now that the legal mumbo jumbo is outta the way...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

On the Origins of Big Bank Failures

I love the way this guy writes. Especially this tidbit:

Note to government: Private and public enterprises are different species. You can cross a common ass with a thoroughbred mare if you like, but you still only get a mule. And male mules, as a matter of evolutionary interest, are always sterile, as are most females. Asses.


Ivan said...

Not to get too far off subject, but I just wanted to mention on here just how offended I am. How stupid does the CIA think we are? You seen this new "Bin Laden tape"? He is saying that America is the great Satan for our hand in Global Warming and he is urging people to boycott US goods and US dollars. WOW. These ***holes need to be stopped. I swear to God these people are starting to REALLY piss me off. I am so offended. First off WHAT goods are they going to boycott? We don't even make anything anymore. Grrrrrrrrr. WTF?!?!? I just don't know what to say anymore. How come people don't realize that Bin Laden is dead and is being used as a scare tactic for the dumb masses? I know for a fact that he was killed in December 2001 while he was in Morocco. He was threatening the CIA saying he would allow himself to be caught. He was killed so that he wouldn't be able to step forward and set the record straight about 9/11.

bott loony neckid said...

heeeeey auntie....where are those long sleeve canvas jacket????

tshirt doctor said...

both of our senators voted to confirms ben....

Auntie Em said...

Can I say how disappointed I am in Saxby and Isakson!!!!! Isakson I kinda expected it, but Saxby gonna catch hell from me on that.