UPDATE: Trial to be moved to Iraq. What?
Killing Me Softly with Political Correctness - Guest Writer
(an opinion, off the reservation)
Three SEALs, trained to bring the fight to the enemy, protect US citizens, sworn to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic. Three trained fighters, Matthew McCabe, Julio Huertas, Jonathan Keefe, pick up the rifle and man the wall to keep us safe. Three men, up against an insane world of Political Correctness (PC).
The enemy? Obviously, Muslim terrorist Ahmed Hashim Abed, believed to have been the mastermind behind the infamous murder and mutilation of four Blackwater security personnel in Fallujah 2004. The four secutiry guards were burned, dragged, and hung from a bridge over the Euphrates River. Now, Muslim terrorist Abed claims that his lip was bloodied by three Navy SEALs after his capture.
It was claimed by the US Govt and MG Charles Cleveland, commander of Special Operations Command, that “these allegations are not founded solely on the word of the detainee, but rather, were initially raised by other U.S. service members.” According to MG Cleveland we not only have a medical report of a bloody lip but we have “service members” raising concerns!
As the dust is settling we now find that the evidence is based on the five separate and conflicting statements of one unnamed third class master-at-arms who claims to have witnessed the incident. The case is falling apart and the government is now requesting a continuance to actually find evidence that will support their charges .
Since Tailhook, the liberal media and liberal congress members have made greater use of innuendo, deceitful lawyer tactics, and political correctness, to attack professional soldiers that do not fit their mold of a subdued, meek, harmless, and gentile society. Cowardly high ranking officials have found that they can hang the lower ranking and protect their own careers. Advancement to the general ranks is now a skilled political pursuit born of the correct moves at the right time and the exercising of PC judgment whenever possible. Could it be that MG Cleveland is responding to PC pressure and lost his nerve?
Consider the following scenario. A man is posted to guard a prisoner. He watches as other men leave the brig. Then he hears a man scream out. Upon entering, he notices the man has a bloody lip, becomes concerned, and calls for help. Now he thinks: how will he report this? The guard is interrogated at five different times, each time the chain of command gets increasingly concerned about media attention. The guard is pressured more and more to make a statement that one of the SEALs might have gotten a little physical with the guy. Not a big deal. Everybody has to let off steam once in a while. Then the guard makes a statement and the chain of command has their vindication for the PC Liberal Media! MG Cleveland has gotten his “tail” off the “hook.”
The liberal bias in our media and government are destroying the morale of our fighting men and women. The people that do the real protecting are being hung to protect the meek, humble, and gentile generals at all costs. And when that happens, we are left defenseless. When that happens, soldiers and sailors die. When that happens, a man walks onto a plane with PETN killing us. Political Correctness has left nobody to pick up the rifle and man the wall.
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14 hours ago
Thank you OTR for your contribution! Great article and SO much better than what I could have come up with.
I wish these had never been put through this, feel like we have let them down.
OTR.....it's alway been O's vs E's...poo poo travels in a predictable direction.....downhill!
as I read the article I figgered that pretty soon the SEALs will be released. their career will be effected however, SPECOPS folks won't give a crap, or maybe they will ask...... "whadafa dude???? why is that scumbag still breathin'???".....
this last summer I had some hard chargin' jarhead leatherneck devildogs over to my place.....they ranged in rank from 0-5 to E-4.....and they all said, in private conversation, no friggin' prisoners.......
I truely love and support ALL of our young warriors butt I don't want them to do bad things......killin' a stinkin' muslim ain't a bad thing.....the SEALs will be okay.........I hope.
Thank you Antie Em. You do exceptionally well yourself and I enjoy your postings here and on the Boortz site.
I believe that I remember a MAJ Charles Cleveland back in the early '90s at PERSCOM (Army Personnel Command). He was an assignments officer for SF assignments. Still trying to find a picture of MG Cleveland.
butt nekkid, AGREED!
There are a lot of hard charging, highly motivated soldiers, sailors, and marines out there cleaning up a nasty awful mess. Many times, they get some of the craziest rules of engagement that leave me scratching my head. I hear their frustration myself.
Terrorists are trained to work the media. Part of their arsenal of tricks includes self injury (e.g., self-inflicted bloody lip).
There was a time when we could shoot on site, any individual that we found violating the rules of war (e.g., Battle of Bulge, Germans in American uniforms). Now the liberals are dictating that we have to hold their hands and serve them crumpets with their darjeeling tea. And the higher ups???? "Yes Sir, Yes Sir, three bags full."
If you have not seen this video, it is worth watching. It is called "Don't Talk to Police"
A lawyer and detective talk about their tricks.
Can a good investigator eventually hang you on something even if it is not the original "crime" (Martha Stuart can speak to that)?
If a terrorist is captured and turned over to law enforcement, this is the representation that they will get.
go over to tshirts blog site and watch "largest street gang"
I dubble dirty dog fraddykat dare you to watch the whole thing......
I got into 16 minits....had to quit......
OTR, great work man,great read.
I have nothing but the utmost respect for our SEAL teams.
Having been a Helo Aircrewman,I've had the privilege of working with them several times.During their training and ours,we were their common mode of transport.I remember the first time I worked with them,NAS North Island,San Diego.We picked up a team on the beach,flew them out a couple of miles over the ocean,and these crazy sons of mothers just jumped out into the sea.When we got back to North Island and shut down,I ask my LT.when I needed to be back,to go get them? He just laughed at me and said,"we wont be going back".I think he saw the look on my face and assured me they would be OK.
Over the next couple of months,working with these guys was an honor,and I always looked forward to it.After months of training,I came to realize these guys were indeed crazy,crazy like a fox.
Not until the last phase of training,S.E.R.E.school,did I truly start to understand these warriors.I being 19 years old,was fortunate to be paired with one.He took me under his wing and showed me how to catch,skin and cook rabbit.He made a mean stew,not to mention the other things he found for us to eat.Had not been for him ,I would have been one hungry teenager.He also showed me it was ok to break down on a waterboard,cry like a baby, and get up with dignity.
Years later, out in the Fleet,there was no call more important to me, than a SEAL in need of help or a pick up.You stopped whatever you were doing and geared up.In my time in the Navy, I worked with no one more professional or as humble as the SEALs.And they never showed me anything but respect either,it was always high fives and thumbs up,thanks for the ride.
Butt said it right,this scum bag is damn lucky he's still alive!!
I luvs or vets too......
did a jungle survival course in subic.....behind the rifle range.
the instructors were nigritos and they lived there.....the on'y contact wit' the navy was during instruction periods or when "PAY DAY" came around......they got some pesos (rate of exchange was 365 to $1) beer on magsaysay st. was 50 centavos for a san magoo.....and they got a bunch of canned meat ie SPAM and stuff.....AND a case of cigarettes for each guy.......great black market material....
caught my own cobra and we ate it al la sashimi style.....it had been 4 days since last meal.....
luv to tell stories 'bout my career....not sea stories cuz they all start..........now this ain't no sh!t.....or fairy tales....once upon a.......
Butt,I tried to go to T-Shirts blog via the address on Boortz,can't seem to get there.Hep a brother out.You got a good address,or am I doing something wrong??
dumbass airdale.......butt seein' how we's shipmates here ya go.....
I typed real slow so you could get it on the fourth or fifth time....friggin' airdales
GOT IT, THANKS , friggin gubmint ed.
COOP......who's ed?
code:deciou (dc iou)????
did you get an email fm auntie with my email address on it?????
I couldn't watch the whole thing cuz I was getting madder the longer I sat there....
Yes Butt,just opened it.
Now I's got to figer out how to send one of those darn E-males.
dumbass airdales!!!
no emales.......jist femails
I go out to west Texas for a couples of days and nights of handgun training to come back to police brutality, murder, torture. I have spent the last four hours looking at Tshirt's video (thank you Tshirt linking to the video) and researching the events in the video.
Tyrannical oligarchy combined with paramilitary thugs. I was EXTREMELY pissed after watching. There is plenty of material to back it all up.
That boy from the car accident, Fouad Kaady, was going into shock. From what I can tell, burned over 70% of his body, multiple lacerations, and contusions. A bunch of morons with guns and tasers walk up to him and make unbelievable demands of him. This blog did a good job of following one of the police officers that shot him four times:
I am sick. Just sick. This goes beyond anger and disgust.
By the way, more and more law enforcement organizations are resorting to using tasers as a compliance tool as opposed to what it was originally intended. Yes, we are slowly becoming farm animals to a super class of citizen that wears uniforms common among standing armies.
Can I bloody his lip???
WELL!!! Tara, coming from you???? Sure, go ahead.
Look out!
sooooo TARA O......what's your sign???? come here offend???? buy you a condo?????
auntie hush......jist bein' frenly....huh?? what??....com'on dear....I wasn't doin' nuttin'......ooooooooow!!!!
This is the firm representing SO2 McCabe. Includes info on how to contribute to the defense fund and a link to a petition site for Secretary Gates to drop the matter:
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